Stonham Parva Church

Stonham Parva

Client - The Churches Conservation Trust

Stonham Parva Church is a Grade I medieval church vested in the Churches Conservation Trust. The tiled nave roof has a fine 15th century oak double hammerbeam roof structure almost intact except for loss of figures of angels and mutilation of some other figures on wall post probably by puritans. Affected by death watch beetle attacks, moisture and movement, the structure had been reported to be in poor structural condition for some years. Wall posts and oak corbels were failing and joints in the whole roof structure were opening up.

Henry Freeland worked closely with Clive Dawson, of Hockley and Dawson structural engineers, and conservation contractors FA Valiant and Son to repair the oak structure, sensitively embellishing new piece repairs with matching carving where appropriate, before the roof was re-tiled and rainwater goods were improved. The internal lime plaster was repaired and limewashed.